Ever since its publishing in 1818, young Mary Shelley’s masterpiece has created an unwavering fascination with Frankenstein, inspiring major performance works created to this day.
What is this endless fascination? Is it a horror story? A love story? What does a book written over 200 years ago tell us about empathy and compassion that we need to learn today?
True Concord is proud to present one of the most recent interpretations; Co-Composer-In-Residence Timothy C. Takach and choreographer Penny Freeh’s Unfashioned Creature, a Choral Ballet, in its Southwest Premiere, performed by the company for which the dance was created.
Rooted in Shelley’s groundbreaking novel, Unfashioned Creature explores personhood, otherness, abandonment and hopeful yearning, all with vocalists performing a libretto based on Shelley’s text.
Building on last season, True Concord performs the second set of Brahms’s “Love Song Waltzes,” for four-hands piano.
And, witness the world premiere of the 2024 Stephen Paulus Emerging Composers Competition winner, with a setting of a Tucson-inspired poem.
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Earlier Event: November 17
Fauré: Requiem
Later Event: November 23
Frankenstein, Brahms, & the Search for Love